Eye floaters, skin tags, dizziness, or unexplained chest pain... As soon as this happens, we rush to consult Google, and end up finding hair-raising explanations to the smallest changes in our body. Well, Google isn’t always right, and something that seems scary can turn out to be completely harmless.
Chest pain
The first thing that probably comes to mind when we experience chest pain is that it’s a heart attack. Luckily, for younger people who don’t have any cardiac risks (like diabetes, for example), it’s nothing scary. Heartburn, stress, anxiety, and straining your chest muscles the wrong way during exercising can also cause chest pain. Though, if the pain doesn’t stop, it’s better to contact your doctor.
Lumps and skin tags
Skin tags are common for many people, but like many other skin growths, they are not caused by cancer. Skin tags can be found around the neck, armpits, and even the eyes, and they commonly occur on dry skin. Though they might look ugly, they are completely harmless. The best thing to do is to consult your dermatologist to find a way to get rid of them safely.
Unexplained lumps may be found on our bodies under the skin and the first question that pops up in our mind is “Is it dangerous?” The explanation for this is simple: they are most likely to be a sebaceous cyst, a lipoma (benign fatty tumor), or another non-cancerous growth. If you find anything like this on your body, consult your doctor, but don’t worry about it too much.
Eye floaters
Many people with good or bad vision have experienced eye floaters at least once in their lives. We can agree, it might be scary, but there’s no need to worry. Floaters are bits of debris in the interior of your eye that appear when you look at something white or very bright. They are not harmful at all, though they tend to become more common as we age.
Cracking joints
Your mom probably told you that cracking your joints will cause arthritis, and you should stop doing it. Though, there is nothing harmful about doing it since it’s just air that appears in the joint and then collapses. As a result, we hear a “cracking” sound.
However, if you experience discomfort while cracking, it’s better to consult your doctor.
Dizziness after sitting
When you stand up from sitting for a long time you might experience an uncomfortable dizziness. But don’t worry, there is nothing scary in this too. Blood flows to the brain when you change your position, and it might even cause you to see stars. All you have to do is stand still for a couple of seconds and everything will go back to normal.
Muscle twitching
Everyone knows what muscle twitching is. It feels scary and weird, but it doesn’t mean ALS, since most of the time this symptom is harmless. There are several reasons why you might experience muscle twitching, and among them are: you might have overextended your muscles, you feel anxious, or you didn’t drink enough water.
Despite popular beliefs, cramping is not always caused by multiple sclerosis. The most common reason for it is dehydration. When your body experiences a lack of water, muscles will sporadically tighten up, giving you a signal that you don’t drink enough. If cramping happens too often, it’s better to consult your doctor, but if it happens every now and then, then it’s nothing to worry about.
Anyone who experiences shakiness has probably questioned whether it’s Parkinson disease? Well, not always. Many people can experience shakiness when they haven’t eaten properly or for a long time. Some other reasons include overstressing, or an iodine and vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vertical fingernail ridges
Nail ridges are kind of similar to wrinkles on our faces. They are caused by the aging processes and do not bring any harm to your body. Its medical name is onychorrhexis, which is translated as “brittle nails.” The only reason why you should see a doctor for this is if your nails are discolored or distorted, and the ridges are horizontal.
Broken blood vessels in the eye
Broken blood vessels in your eye don’t mean that you’re going blind. Unless it happens often and your eyes look completely red, there should be no reason to worry. Broken blood vessels can be caused by rubbing your eyes really hard or sneezing hard. Another reason could be tired eyes or tension. The best thing to do here is to relax your eyes as much as you can, and do some eye exercises.
Forgetting things
Memory glitches are a common thing for many people, and there are a lot of things that cause them. For example: stress, rush, tiredness, or even drinking too much. And don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you have Alzheimer’s. If you notice that you’ve started forgetting what daily things are meant for, or what you said a couple of minutes ago, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, just find some time for yourself and get some good rest.
Chest pain
The first thing that probably comes to mind when we experience chest pain is that it’s a heart attack. Luckily, for younger people who don’t have any cardiac risks (like diabetes, for example), it’s nothing scary. Heartburn, stress, anxiety, and straining your chest muscles the wrong way during exercising can also cause chest pain. Though, if the pain doesn’t stop, it’s better to contact your doctor.
Lumps and skin tags
Skin tags are common for many people, but like many other skin growths, they are not caused by cancer. Skin tags can be found around the neck, armpits, and even the eyes, and they commonly occur on dry skin. Though they might look ugly, they are completely harmless. The best thing to do is to consult your dermatologist to find a way to get rid of them safely.
Unexplained lumps may be found on our bodies under the skin and the first question that pops up in our mind is “Is it dangerous?” The explanation for this is simple: they are most likely to be a sebaceous cyst, a lipoma (benign fatty tumor), or another non-cancerous growth. If you find anything like this on your body, consult your doctor, but don’t worry about it too much.
Eye floaters
Many people with good or bad vision have experienced eye floaters at least once in their lives. We can agree, it might be scary, but there’s no need to worry. Floaters are bits of debris in the interior of your eye that appear when you look at something white or very bright. They are not harmful at all, though they tend to become more common as we age.
Cracking joints
Your mom probably told you that cracking your joints will cause arthritis, and you should stop doing it. Though, there is nothing harmful about doing it since it’s just air that appears in the joint and then collapses. As a result, we hear a “cracking” sound.
However, if you experience discomfort while cracking, it’s better to consult your doctor.
Dizziness after sitting
When you stand up from sitting for a long time you might experience an uncomfortable dizziness. But don’t worry, there is nothing scary in this too. Blood flows to the brain when you change your position, and it might even cause you to see stars. All you have to do is stand still for a couple of seconds and everything will go back to normal.
Muscle twitching
Everyone knows what muscle twitching is. It feels scary and weird, but it doesn’t mean ALS, since most of the time this symptom is harmless. There are several reasons why you might experience muscle twitching, and among them are: you might have overextended your muscles, you feel anxious, or you didn’t drink enough water.
Despite popular beliefs, cramping is not always caused by multiple sclerosis. The most common reason for it is dehydration. When your body experiences a lack of water, muscles will sporadically tighten up, giving you a signal that you don’t drink enough. If cramping happens too often, it’s better to consult your doctor, but if it happens every now and then, then it’s nothing to worry about.
Anyone who experiences shakiness has probably questioned whether it’s Parkinson disease? Well, not always. Many people can experience shakiness when they haven’t eaten properly or for a long time. Some other reasons include overstressing, or an iodine and vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vertical fingernail ridges
Nail ridges are kind of similar to wrinkles on our faces. They are caused by the aging processes and do not bring any harm to your body. Its medical name is onychorrhexis, which is translated as “brittle nails.” The only reason why you should see a doctor for this is if your nails are discolored or distorted, and the ridges are horizontal.
Broken blood vessels in the eye
Broken blood vessels in your eye don’t mean that you’re going blind. Unless it happens often and your eyes look completely red, there should be no reason to worry. Broken blood vessels can be caused by rubbing your eyes really hard or sneezing hard. Another reason could be tired eyes or tension. The best thing to do here is to relax your eyes as much as you can, and do some eye exercises.
Forgetting things
Memory glitches are a common thing for many people, and there are a lot of things that cause them. For example: stress, rush, tiredness, or even drinking too much. And don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you have Alzheimer’s. If you notice that you’ve started forgetting what daily things are meant for, or what you said a couple of minutes ago, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, just find some time for yourself and get some good rest.
Getting cold rather often
Getting cold is a sign of aging. As we get older, we lose body mass and start having less muscle, which leads to less insulation. Basically, your internal thermostat changes and you feel cold more often. There is nothing special about it. Though, if the change is sudden and big, and you get super cold from out of nowhere, you should check your thyroid as soon as possible.
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